Over 5,000 families receive food in Edo State

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Over 5,000 families receive food in Edo State

On Thursday September 25th, Body Enhancement Foundation donated foods and drugs to Owan West Local Government Area, Edo State. The program is one of the many non-surgical humanitarian programs the NGO offer. In addition to the food and drugs program, they also have programs whereby school uniforms, school bags and writing chalks are donated to schools in rural areas; as well as donation of toys to sick children in hospitals. The ceremony was well attended by Kings and high chiefs from all parts of the local government. The foundation made a donation of 800 50kg bags of rice, 660 bottles of vegetable oil, 4,000 packs of salt, 2,400 packs of Indomie donated by Dufil Group and medication donated by DANA Group, which were all strictly humanitarian. All five major clans of the local government, Iuleha, Sobe, Ora and Ozala, benefitted from the program. Also, the six districts within Ora, Ohia, Ovbiokhuarin, Evbiobe (Sabongidda-Ora), Uhunmora, Oke (Old and New) and Eme; individually received donations of foods and medication. Princess Ozolua announced that the food and drugs scheme was not exclusive to Edo State. The foundation conducts the same program every 2 months in different parts of Nigeria; the process of selecting the location to go, is done by putting names of all the states in a bowl and holding an in-house raffle draw amongst the staff of the foundation. Any state picked will be visited and items donated to a remote local government. According to Ozolua, although the maiden program was held in Edo State, they will not be returning to Edo again for food donations until all other 36 States of the federation have benefited. Over 5,000 families benefited from the donations. They came from all over the local government. The foundation is already preparing for the next program in November. The next location is yet to be announced. All the foundation’s humanitarian programs are in partnership with the Federal Ministry of Women Affairs and social development.